sccm client

  • Scripts

    Fix No Client state – SCCM

    get-service ccmexec | stop-service -Force (Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -Filter "Name=’CcmExec’").StopService() Get-WmiObject win32_service -ComputerName ca1connect02 | Where-Object {$ -eq "ccmexec"} | Stop-Service…

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  • Featured

    SCCM Agent in DMZ

    Below items are the requirements to install sccm client in DMZ Requirements: Ports:  80,443, 8530, 8531, 10123 and 9 The…

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  • Featured

    Add SCCM Agent to gold IMAGE

    Adding sccm clients to our gold image to avoid installing sccm client every time we build  a new vm. To…

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