SCCM Firewall Ports
Ports you can configure
Configuration Manager enables you to configure the ports for the following types of communication:
Application Catalog website point to Application Catalog web service point
Enrollment proxy point to enrollment point
Client-to-site systems that run IIS
Client to internet (as proxy server settings)
Software update point to internet (as proxy server settings)
Software update point to WSUS server
Site server to site database server
Reporting services points
Non-configurable ports
Configuration Manager doesn’t allow you to configure ports for the following types of communication:
Site to site
Site server to site system
Configuration Manager console to SMS Provider
Configuration Manager console to the internet
Connections to cloud services, such as Microsoft Intune and cloud distribution points
Required SCCM Firewall Ports
These firewall ports are required for SCCM to properly manage clients. You need to specify these in your network / firewall to allow the traffic pass, and they must be open on sccm servers internal firewall as well.
Firewall Ports Client Network -> Configuration Manager Roles
- 67 UDP. PXE Distribution Point
- 68 UDP. PXE Distribution Point
- 69 UDP. PXE Distribution Point
- 80 TCP. Distribution Point, Fallback Status Point, Management point,
- 443 TCP. Distribution Point, Management point (secure)
- 4011 UDP. PXE Distribution Point
- 8530 TCP. Software Update Point.
- 8531 TCP. Software Update Point (secure).
- 10123 TCP. Management Point.
Firewall Ports Configuration Manager Roles -> Client Network
- 9 UDP. Site Server, required by Wake On Lan.
Optional SCCM Firewall Ports, nice to have.
These ports are optional and not required for Configuration Manager to manage clients. I still recommend to open them as they make the daily life of the SCCM administrator much easier.
Firewall Ports Client Network -> Configuration Manager Roles
- 445 TCP. Windows File Share. Required if you use ccmsetup /source: to specify client source.
Firewall Ports Configuration Manager Console -> Client Network
- 135 TCP. Windows Management Instrumentation
- 445 TCP. Windows File Share. This together with Right Click Tools makes it very easy for you to connect to client computers local hard drive when you troubleshoot a client.
- 2701 TCP. Enable remote control from Configuration Manager Console.
- 3389 TCP. Enable Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop.
- ICMP Echo Request.
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