Microsoft EndPoint Manager: App Protection Policy – WIP – Intune

Create a Windows Information Protection (WIP) policy using the Azure portal for Microsoft Intune

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App protection policies are rules that ensure an organization’s data remains safe or contained in a managed app. A policy can be a rule that is enforced when the user attempts to access or move “corporate” data, or a set of actions that are prohibited or monitored when the user is inside the app.

A managed app is an app that has app protection policies applied to it and can be managed by Intune.

How It Works:

Differences between MDM and MAM for WIP

Enlightened versus unenlightened apps

Apps can be enlightened or unenlightened:


Device Requirements

Operating system Management solution
Windows 10, version 1607 or later Microsoft Intune


Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager


Your current company-wide 3rd party mobile device management (MDM) solution. For info about 3rd party MDM solutions, see the documentation that came with your product.




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