Get SCCM Software Update Status

function Get-SCCMSoftwareUpdateStatus {
    This will output the device status for the Software Update Deployments within SCCM.
    For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.
    This will output the device status for the Software Update Deployments within SCCM.
    For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.
    Name: Get-SCCMSoftwareUpdateStatus
    Author: The Sysadmin Channel
    Version: 1.0
    DateCreated: 2018-Nov-10
    DateUpdated: 2018-Nov-10
    For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.
    . .\Get-SCCMSoftwareUpdateStatus.ps1

    Get-SCCMSoftwareUpdateStatus -DeploymentID '16778747' -Status Unknown

    Get-SCCMSoftwareUpdateStatus -DeploymentIDFromGUI
        [switch]  $DeploymentIDFromGUI,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Alias('ID', 'AssignmentID')]
        [string]   $DeploymentID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('Success', 'InProgress', 'Error', 'Unknown')]
        [string]  $Status
    BEGIN {
        $Site_Code   = 'NMI'
        $Site_Server = 'fit-win-sccm-03'
        $HasErrors   = $False
        if ($Status -eq 'Success') {
            $StatusType = 1
        if ($Status -eq 'InProgress') {
            $StatusType = 2
        if ($Status -eq 'Unknown') {
            $StatusType = 4
        if ($Status -eq 'Error') {
            $StatusType = 5
        try {
            if ($DeploymentID -and $DeploymentIDFromGUI) {
                Write-Error "Select the DeploymentIDFromGUI or DeploymentID Parameter. Not Both"
                $HasErrors   = $True
            if ($DeploymentIDFromGUI) {
                $ShellLocation = Get-Location
                Import-Module (Join-Path $(Split-Path $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH) ConfigurationManager.psd1)
                #Checking to see if module has been imported. If not abort.
                if (Get-Module ConfigurationManager) {
                        Set-Location "$($Site_Code):\"
                        $DeploymentID = Get-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment | select AssignmentID, AssignmentName | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "Select a Deployment and Click OK" | Select -ExpandProperty AssignmentID
                        Set-Location $ShellLocation
                    } else {
                        Write-Error "The SCCM Module wasn't imported successfully. Aborting."
                        $HasErrors   = $True
            if ($DeploymentID) {
                    $DeploymentNameWithID = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Site_Server -Namespace root\sms\site_$Site_Code -class SMS_SUMDeploymentAssetDetails -Filter "AssignmentID = $DeploymentID" | select AssignmentID, AssignmentName
                    $DeploymentName = $DeploymentNameWithID.AssignmentName | select -Unique
                } else {
                    Write-Error "A Deployment ID was not specified. Aborting."
                    $HasErrors   = $True
            if ($Status) {
                   $Output = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Site_Server -Namespace root\sms\site_$Site_Code -class SMS_SUMDeploymentAssetDetails -Filter "AssignmentID = $DeploymentID and StatusType = $StatusType" | `
                    select DeviceName, CollectionName, @{Name = 'StatusTime'; Expression = {$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.StatusTime) }}, @{Name = 'Status' ; Expression = {if ($_.StatusType -eq 1) {'Success'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 2) {'InProgress'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 5) {'Error'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 4) {'Unknown'}  }}
                } else {      
                    $Output = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Site_Server -Namespace root\sms\site_$Site_Code -class SMS_SUMDeploymentAssetDetails -Filter "AssignmentID = $DeploymentID" | `
                    select DeviceName, CollectionName, @{Name = 'StatusTime'; Expression = {$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.StatusTime) }}, @{Name = 'Status' ; Expression = {if ($_.StatusType -eq 1) {'Success'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 2) {'InProgress'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 5) {'Error'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 4) {'Unknown'}  }}
            if (-not $Output) {
                Write-Error "A Deployment with ID: $($DeploymentID) is not valid. Aborting"
                $HasErrors   = $True
        } catch {
        } finally {
            if (($HasErrors -eq $false) -and ($Output)) {
                Write-Output ""
                Write-Output "Deployment Name: $DeploymentName"
                Write-Output "Deployment ID:   $DeploymentID"
                Write-Output ""
                Write-Output $Output | Sort-Object Status
    END {}


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