Compliance Policy Intune

Microsoft Endpoint Manager Compliance Policy

Microsoft Endpoint Manager: Compliance Policy

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Mobile device management (MDM) solutions like Intune can help protect organizational data by requiring users and devices to meet some requirements. In Intune, this feature is called compliance policies.

Compliance policies in Intune:

There are two parts to compliance policies in Intune:

Switch Compliance policy From SCCM to Intune

Conditional Access with Intune

When you use Conditional Access, you can configure your Conditional Access policies to use the results of your device compliance policies to determine which devices can access your organizational resources. This access control is in addition to and separate from the actions for noncompliance that you include in your device compliance policies.

When a device enrolls in Intune it registers in Azure AD. The compliance status for devices is reported to Azure AD. If your Conditional Access policies have Access controls set to Require device to be marked as compliant, Conditional access uses that compliance status to determine whether to grant or block access to email and other organization resources.

If you’ll use device compliance status with Conditional Access policies, review how your tenant has configured Mark devices with no compliance policy assigned as, which you manage under Compliance policy settings.

Microsoft 365 Compliance Manager

Microsoft Compliance Manager is a feature in the Microsoft 365 compliance center that helps you manage your organization’s compliance requirements with greater ease and convenience.

Microsoft Compliance Manager provides a comprehensive set of templates for creating assessments. These templates can help your organization comply with national, regional, and industry-specific requirements governing the collection and use of data.

Templates are added to Compliance Manager as new laws and regulations are enacted. Compliance Manager also updates its templates when the underlying laws or regulations change


Use compliance policies to set rules for devices you manage with Intune

Device Compliance settings for Windows 10/11 in Intune

Microsoft 365 Compliance Manager

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