I created a script which looks for a specific file in a folder and searches for a specific word using list of remote machines.
if that word exists on that file and returns true or you can change the output text to yours.
$MachineList = ‘C:\hashmat\list.txt’
$Devices = Get-Content $MachineList
$Searchtext = “windows”
foreach($Device in $Devices)
$file = “\\$Device\c$\ProgramData\folderName\filename.txt”
if(Test-Connection -ComputerName $Device -Count 2 -ea silentlycontinue)
if(Test-Path $file)
if(Get-Content $file | Select-String $Searchtext -quiet)
Write-Host “$Device : Policy Found”
Write-Host “$Device : Policy Not found” -Fore Red
#Write-Host “Unable to find:[$file]” -Fore Red
Write-Host “DDPE Not installed on : $Device” -Fore Red
Write-Host “Unable to connect to: $Device” -Fore Red